26.08.2012 03:35

More on Redis

In managed hosting you're not often present in design stages of new applications and sometimes you end up supporting strange infrastructure. Or at least that was my experience in the past. So little by little I found my self supporting huge (persistent) Redis databases, against my better judgment.

Someone sent me a link to the Redis Sentinel beta announcement last month. It may even make it into the 2.6 release... but all of this I had to implement on my own long ago. A lot of developers I supported didn't even want to use the 2.4 branch (in my opinion just the memory fragmentation improvements are more than enough reason to ditch 2.2 forever). Another highly anticipated Redis feature, the Redis Cluster, may not even make it into the 2.6 release. That's too bad, there's too much features with Redis that are always "just around the corner", yet I have a feeling I'll be supporting Redis 2.4 for at least another 3 years, with all its flaws and shortcomings (I scratched the surface in my last article with AOF corruption, and not-so-cheap hardware needed for reliable persistent storage).

Typically I would split members of a Redis cluster across 2 or more power sources and switches. But that's just common sense for any HA setup, as is not keeping all your masters together. Redis doesn't have multi-master replication so a backup 'master' is always passive, and is just another slave of the primary with slaves of its own. If the primary master fails only half of the slaves have to be failed-over to the backup master. This has its problems (ie. double complexity of replication monitoring by the fail-over agents), but the benefits outweight failing-over a whole cluster to the new master. That could take half a day, as fail-over is an expensive operation (it is a full re-sync from the master). You can find replication implementation details here.

If you can't allow slaves to serve stale data (tunable in redis.conf) you need enough redundancy in the pool to be able to run at half capacity for at least a few hours, until at least one of the outdated slaves is fully re-synced to its new master. And that finally brings me to knowing when is the right time to fail-over.

Any half decent load balancer can export the status of a backend pool through an API, or just a HTTP page (if yours can't it's time to use the open source HAproxy). That information is ripe for exploiting to our advantage, but we need to be weary of false positives. I can't share my own solutions, but you will want all N slaves confirming that the master pool is truly degraded, and initiate fail-overs one by one to avoid harmonics if you are serving stale data, or all at once if you aren't. For all that you will need them to communicate with each other, and a simple message broker can do the job well.

As I am writing these last notes I realized I haven't mentioned another fundamental part of any Redis deployment I do - backups. This article documents the persistence implementation in Redis, and explains that the RDB engine snapshots are good for taking backups. RDB is never modified directly, and snapshots are renamed into their final destination atomically only when they are complete. From here it's trivial to write a script that initiates a background save, waits until it's done and transfers the fresh snapshot off site.

Written by anrxc | Permalink | Filed under work