23.04.2009 00:09

Notes on Alpine

Following my previous article I want to say more about the client side of the setup. There are many e-mail clients today, with numerous features, but what can we do to integrate a text-based client into a modern desktop environment? If you missed my earlier article on Zenburn you should know that I made a theme for Alpine. On to more practical matters, probably the first thing a new user wants is to be able to launch Alpine from Firefox when he clicks on a mailto link. I use a simple shell script which is used as the "network.protocol-handler.app.mailto" setting in Firefox:


urxvt -title Alpine -e alpine ${1:+-url "$1"}
One interesting "problem" is when you run your MUA on a remote machine. Once I was in that situation and wanted to have a launcher for Alpine, as just another icon, I solved it with expect. The launcher would start my terminal emulator which would execute the script:

spawn ssh mail.host.com
#send "export LANG=hr_HR.iso8859-2\r"
send "alpine\r"
# or maybe jump to Compose right away
#send "alpine -I m,c\r"
#expect "Pine finished -- Closed folder"
#send "exit\r"
#expect eof
A good mailer needs to have spell checking, instead of calling aspell directly I use a script like this, that is set as the "speller" in "~/.pinerc":

echo "Language selection:"
select name in EN HR ; do
    case $REPLY in
        2|[Hh]) opts=( -l hr_HR.UTF-8 ) ;;
    exec aspell ${opts[@]} -e -c $1
That leaves just one more thing, GnuPG support, and it's easy to setup. You can even call GPG directly from your display and sending filters but it's not very elegant. However there are many simple wrappers that offer a little higher level of usability. My personal favorite is the Pine Privacy Guard.

Beside working with e-mail most popular MUAs like Thunderbird also have Usenet support and more recently can track RSS feeds. Fortunately Alpine is not only an excellent e-mail client but is also a good Usenet client. As for RSS I found rss2email to be a decent solution.

Written by anrxc | Permalink | Filed under desktop, code